


Educational System

Pre-class Planning

Our products are designed to provide ready materials for lesson planning, and a library from which the teacher can select and customize exercises. Hence, the teacher will have fewer worries, and make unique classes effectively and efficiently.

In-class Interaction

Fun games promote teacher-student interaction and make exciting and active classes.

After-class Homework

The APP Library enables the teacher to select exercises and assign them to the student. The AI-based correction system saves the teacher's time and visualizes the student's grade and performance.

Teacher Service

For the use of the Enliten APP, we provide training on teaching ability and skills, and training on student management. 。

Supervision over Student Performance

Supervision over the student account and the teacher account guarantees safety and control. Digitalized student performance and teacher's ability make the teaching process more efficient and reliable.

Customized Platform

The user can customize the APP, including its institutional logo, importing teaching materials, and individualizing the materials through the APP platform.

The Management APP: a Digitalized Management System

Customize a unique brand.
Support the management over the Teachers’ accounts.
Edit different accounts simultaneously.
Design subjects and categorize exercises into different subjects
Individualize the slide pictures.
Support the management over the Studens' accounts.
Customize and import exercises.
Track the students' progress according to the analysis of their performance and working behaviors.

The Teacher APP: an AI-assisted Correcting System

Arrange the students in a class for management.
Edit the user information.
Set requirements for the student's assignment.
Use the AI-assisted student homework correcting system.
Check the assignment record and the data analysis.
Support the management over the Studens' accounts.
Browse the library.
Track the students' progress according to the analysis of their performance and working behaviors.

The Student APP: a Way to Improving Performance

The student can manage their personal profile.
Support the management over the Teachers’ accounts.
See the class he is in.
Check the assignment record and mistake collection.
Meet the deadline for their assignment and have their assignment graded by the AI system.